"Builder Fox" d.o.o. je osnovan 2014 godine u Podgorici. Bavimo se prodajom završnih građevinskih materijala i izvođenjem građevinskih radova u oblasti fasada, epoksidnih podova, betonske galanterije i hidroizolacija.
Who we are and what we do
The company "Builder Fox" d.o.o. was founded in 2014, which initially delt with craft works in construction as well as project sales of materials. Its founder, Mitar Kažić, gained previous...
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Here we have highlihted some of our most significant projekcts. We realized them independently or in cooperation with one of the construction companies from Montenegro.
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Postani dio našeg profesionalnog tima Želiš li postati dio ambicioznog i razvojno orijentiranog tima? Ako imas znanje, vještine i vrijednosti, pogledaj oglas za otvorena radna mjesta ili
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