The company "Builder Fox" d.o.o. was founded in 2014, which initially delt with craft works in construction as well as project sales of materials. Its founder, Mitar Kažić, gained previous experience working as a project manager of the Ceresit brand for their distributor in Montenegro, so it's not surprising that the company's first project was the installation of the facade of the elementary school Branko Božović (Podgorica) with Ceresit materials. Thanks to that project, Builder Fox was registered on the construction map of Montenegro as a serious partner for subcontracting works. Over time, the company grew and the area of interest and activities expanded. In addition to facade installations, today we are also recognizable in the fields of epoxy and industrial floors. waterproofing as well as paving and concrete accessories. We represent leading manufacturers of materials from these areas (Ceresit, Bekament, Sika, Tikkurila, Neotext, Bauder, Bossin, Oblak, Beton Lučko) who complete our organization with additional advice and logistics. Good organization, logistics and the stock of our warehouse make our work and yours faster, and numerous satisfied investors have convinced themselves of the quality of our work.
As part of Builder Fox, in 2017, the "Građevinska apoteka" sales facility was opened (Vojislavljevića Street, Podgorica). There, in addition to the usual construction materials, you can also find products that are closely related to solving certain problems and requirements in construction, which is why the name of the store is "Građevinska apoteka" (Construction Pharmacy). Diagnosing customer problems, providing techical solutions and fast service are our priorities. The store also has a MIX Center where we tint facades and epoxies in more than 2.000 shades of color.